floor mats

3 Reasons Why Your Medical Facility Needs Floor Mats

Floor mats for your hospital, clinic, office, or nursing home are a necessity for a secure, comfortable practice. Therefore, it’s dangerous if your medical facility is lacking proper floor mats, or is using old, dirty, or damaged ones. 

If this is the case, your employees and patients are at an increased risk of slips and falls, infection, and burnout. Consider the following reasons to install clean and secure mats in your medical facility:


Because cleanliness and easy mobility is vital for any hospital or clinic, its floors are usually smooth. Non-grouted, untextured floors allow the wheels of beds, carts, and equipment to easily and safely move from location to location without jostling or struggle. It also allows for simple and effective cleaning of floors with no need of scrubbing grouting or other joining substances between tiles. 

An unfortunate cost of this smoothness is the increased likelihood of slip and fall accidents. 

With hundreds of different substances that can end up on the floor of a hospital or clinic at any time, having traction with quality, clean mats in areas that need it can save you and your staff injuries and headaches. 

Though a bare floor is dangerous, old, dirty, or cheap mats can present more problems than solutions. Even after vacuuming, old mats are easily overwhelmed by foot traffic and their tamped-down fibers don’t prevent dirt from reaching your floor. Cheap mats can become a dangerous tripping hazard if they start to crack and curl.

High traffic, spill/wetness volatile areas include: 

  • Entrances
  • Lobbies
  • Kitchens
  • Loading Docks
  • Patient Intakes


Cleanliness is a fundamental quality in efficient healing. If the environment your patients are to get better in has invisible dangers floating and sticking around, they’ll be sicker longer. This means more costs, more time, and a dwindling of your reputation as an efficient healthcare facility. 

Take control of your public standing by controlling the dirt and microbes that try to get into your clinic or hospital. Specialized mats can help. 

  • Scraper Mats placed outside and inside building entrances will trap and hold dirt and debris. The microbe-laden gunk is kept inside the mat until it’s cleaned or replaced
  • Entrance Mats will hold and hide dirt tracked in beyond scraper mats and keep unsightly smudges from appearing on your floor. 
  • Absorbent Pads/Mats specialize in retaining and liquid and can be especially useful in the O.R. and treatment rooms.

Burnout (Prevent Exhaustion) 

With doctors and surgeons experiencing burnout at startling rates, it’s never been more important to keep them feeling as good for as long as possible. A way to help is to take pressure off their joints and muscle groups affected by all-day standing with anti-fatigue mats. Even nurses and attendants can benefit from soft hospital floor mats placed at strategic locations where they can get take a breather from the hustle and bustle of their demanding jobs.

Medico is Here to Help 

Medical facilities aren’t the place to mess around with any potential danger. Slippery substances, malicious microbes, and extreme exhaustion are constant threats. Let Medico Professional Linen Service stay on top of them for you with the right stability, absorbent, and anti-fatigue mats. Call us today at (800) 464-6334 to learn more about our hassle-free mat services.